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These next few pages are dedicated to any current and future rulings / effect resolution questions. Along with this, certain text and priority rulings can be found as well.

Text Rulings

Once per turn: If the text appears on the card as “Once per turn” on the card effect, it means that the effect can be applied once during your opponent’s turn, and once during your own turn. Unless otherwise stated with a stipulation such as “Only during your turn.” 


Once per war/game: If the text appears on the card as “Once per war/game” the effect can only be used once in total, the effect is null and void for the rest of the current game. 


Reveal effects: If a card is attacked while in face-down shield position, it reveals itself, regardless of whether it will be destroyed or not. Unless a card specifically states something along the lines of “The Reveal effect does not trigger” a card being revealed will always trigger its Reveal Effect. If a card is revealed and destroyed, the destruction of the card occurs first and then the effect activates. If the card is revealed, and the player can’t afford the prerequisite STA and SC costs, the Reveal effect doesn’t occur. Cards can be revealed by the player themselves, whenever a card is in face-down shield position and it’s revealed, it must be revealed in face-up attack position. The STA and SC cost is always paid before reveal effects take place. 

Chain Rulings

To avoid as many timing conflicts as possible, each card effect will occur based from the last played card to the first played. The sequence then goes through until the initial card is resolved. For Example: 


A Player activates a Rune Card, the other player activates an Ambush card to negate the effect of the Rune card, and the initial player activates another effect to Negate the Ambush card, since 3 effects have been activated, a chain 3 tie occurs, with the proper sequence occurring backward. 


Chain 3- The Negate of the Ambush Card


Chain 2- The Ambush Card attempting to Negate the Rune, is now negated


Chain 1- The initial Rune Card goes through.

Miscellaneous Rules to Know

  • If a battle card has attacked during your turn, it can’t switch battle positions. 

  • If a battle card has already switched battle positions due to the player choosing to do so and/or a card effect made the battle card switch position, it can’t be switched again until the next turn unless otherwise stated by a card effect.

  • All battle cards must be in Attack Position to declare an attack unless otherwise stated by a card effect. 

  • Two Attack Position Battle Cards attacking one another with equal AP values will result in both battle cards being destroyed. 

  • A Battle Card that attacks a shield position battle card whose SP is equal to the attacking card's AP will result in neither card being destroyed. 

  • A Battle Card that is face up on the field can’t be set to face down Shield Position, unless by card effect. 

  • A battle card can only be placed in face-down shield position, battle cards can't be placed in face-down attack position, under any circumstances 

  • All Battle Cards when attacking directly deal 1 Heart Point of damage to the opponent unless otherwise stated by card effect.

  • A player can only activate Quick Runes when it is not his/her turn, no other type of rune cards can be activated during your opponent's turn unless stated by card effect. 

  • When a player sets a Battle Card they may do so without paying its STA or SC cost, however, if the card is revealed face-up in any way, besides being destroyed by a card effect, the player must pay the STA and SC cost (when applicable) If the player can’t afford to pay one of the two costs they take 3 Heart Points of damage if the card has both an STA and SC cost and the player can’t afford to pay either cost, they lose the game immediately. 

  • Players may only set up to 5 Battle Cards in face-down shield position per turn.

  • For a Reveal keyword skill to activate, the battle card in question must be set in a face-down shield position, indicated by placing the card face-down horizontally, and then the card must be revealed face-up by the player’s own decision or a card effect activates/an attack is declared, that reveals the card face-up. A player can’t flip up a set Battle Card the same turn they placed it down, except by card effect.

  • Players can only summon one Battle Card with the Titan 1-3 keyword skill per turn unless otherwise stated by a card effect. 

  • Players may only activate one Field Card per turn unless otherwise stated by a card effect.

  • Players may only have 3 Boss Cards on their respective fields at a time.

  • Players may only have up to 3 copies of any card in their deck with the same name. 

  • Players must have a minimum deck size of 50 cards, the max a player may have is 60.

  • The max number of cards in a player’s Boss Deck is 10.

  • Players may flip a coin, roll a dice, or play R.P.S. to decide who goes first or second, the winner of the subsequently mentioned games, will choose to go first or second. 

  • The Stamina Phase is skipped during the first turn of each player. 

  • The player going first does not draw a card for the Draw Phase. 

  • The player going first can mulligan once before commencing their turn. The entire hand has to be mulliganed if the player going first wishes to mulligan at all. 

  • The player going first can’t conduct an Attack Phase that turn. 

  • The player going second can conduct their Attack Phase.

  • The player going second draws one card for their Draw Phase.

  • Each player draws 6 cards to start the war/battle. 

  • When a player’s Heart Points reach 0 they lose, no cards or effects can activate when a player’s Heart Points have hit 0. 

  • Each player begins the war with 7 Heart Points.

  • The max Heart Points any player can hold in their Heart Bar is 10. 

  • If a player runs out of cards in their deck, the subsequent Draw Phase will result in their immediate defeat. 

  • If a player activates a card effect to draw a card when they have no cards remaining in their deck, they will immediately lose. 

  • If a player is caught cheating, they immediately lose the battle and/or war.

  • A battle is when players play out one game of W.O.T.A

  • A war is when players play out a best-of-three game, where potentially three games will need to be played to determine the victor. 

  • Whether a battle card is in face-up shield-position or face down shield-position, it is always considered to be in “Shield Position” 

  • If a face-up battle card is equipped with an equip rune or any other card, and that battle card is flipped face down, destroyed, or removed from the field in any way, the equip card goes to the discard pile unless otherwise stated. 

  • Quick Runes can be activated from your hand or field during your turn, they may not be activated from your hand during your opponent's turn. To activate Quick Runes on your opponent's turn they must be set on the field. 

  • When cards have the Payment keywords skill, the payment of STA occurs during the Stamina Phase.

  • Equip Runes can be equipped to either opponent’s battle cards unless otherwise stated. 

  • The maximum amount of Battle Cards allowed on either player’s field is 10.

  • The maximum amount of runes and ambush cards allowed in the power zone is 6.

  • Cards in set face-down shield position that are destroyed by rune, ambush, or battle card effects, don’t activate reveal effects, they also don’t need to have their STA or SC cost paid if they are destroyed in this way. 

  • Cards must be face up in Attack or Shield position, for them to be eligible as sacrifices for Titan Cards, Boss Cards, or any other card that requires a sacrifice to be made. 

  • A battle card with 0 AP can't deal heart point damage. 

  • If a card with 0 AP attacks another card with 0 AP no card will be destroyed. 

  • A summon occurs when you play a battle card from your hand, a special summon is when a battle card is summoned from anywhere else, your discard pile, your deck, your boss deck, or the void zone, basically if a battle card is played from anywhere that isn't the hand, it is considered a special summon.

  • Field Cards only affect the controller's side of the field, unless stated in the field card effect. 

  • The term "Battle Card" can only be applied to Boss, Army, or Mage cards, unless otherwise stated by card effect. 

  • "Payment" keyword skills on battle cards must be paid, they are not optional, if a player can't afford the cost of a battle card's "Payment" the card is destroyed and the player loses 3 heart points. 

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