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The Rules of W.O.T.A

W.O.T.A, which is short for War of the Archetypes, is a competitive and collectible TCG game revolving around 1v1 battles using various types of cards and archetypes ranging from the common human all the way to the realms of fantasy and sci-fi with archetypes such as dragons and aliens. The game consists of two players each with their own unique decks of 50-60 cards, crafted by the players themselves, battling it out to see who can drop their opponent's heart points to zero. Players will use their stamina in order to play a combination of Field,  Army, Mage, Rune, Ambush, and Boss cards in order to defeat their opponent! The Stamina bar, which starts at 200, and also can’t exceed that figure, is used to play various types of cards. There are six types of cards within the TCG each with their own unique Keyword Skills and Effects. The six cards are Army Cards, Mage Cards, Rune Cards, Ambush Cards, Field Cards, and Boss Cards. Each card and its various uses will be explained further below. A game of W.O.T.A is conducted with six different phases, all of which are further explained below, the phases in order are, Draw Phase, Stamina Phase, Build Phase 1, Attack Phase, Build Phase 2, and End Phase. The main objective in W.O.T.A is to decrease your opponent’s Heart Points to zero. Let’s start by explaining all the necessary materials needed in order to conduct a game of W.O.T.A

Getting Started

In order to commence a battle (One game) or a war (Best two out of three) each player must have a deck of 50-60 cards, a boss deck composed of 10 cards at max, one six-sided die, and one coin. The players will then roll a die or toss a coin to decide who goes first to commence the game. Once it is determined who will go first; both players draw 6 cards, and then the player going first gets to decide whether or not they want to perform a mulligan. This action can only be taken by the player going first, and if they decide to mulligan, they must reshuffle their entire hand and redraw 6 cards. This is balanced by the fact that the player going first skips their draw phase, while the player going second gets to draw. Once the player going first mulligans, they are not allowed to mulligan once more and are stuck with their new hand. The game then goes into several phases to complete a turn. The phases in order are as follows; Draw Phase, Stamina Phase, Build Phase 1, Attack Phase, Build Phase 2, End Phase. See Phases Explained, for more info on how phases are conducted. 

Phases Explained

Draw Phase: During the draw phase a player draws one card per turn unless otherwise stated, the player going first skips their first draw phase.


Stamina Phase: During the stamina phase, the current turn player increases their Stamina Gauge by 20. This is also the phase in which your SC counter is reset to 1 if it was at 0. The Stamina phase is skipped on the first turn by each player. (Note: The Stamina Gauge starts at 200 for each player, and can’t exceed 200 under any circumstances) Players also must pay any payment effects during this phase, payment is a keyword skill explained in the keyword skills portion of the manual.


Build Phase 1: This phase is where players build up their armies and play their runes, ambush, army, mage, field, and boss cards. Players pay stamina to summon army, mage, or boss cards. Players may summon as many army, mage, and boss cards, as their stamina gauge allows. Players may also activate as many rune and ambush cards as their stamina will allow. Players may only activate one field card per turn. Card types and their rulings will be explained in other sections of the manual, see those rulings for more info.


Attack Phase: During this phase, players may attack other players with their Army, Mage, and boss cards, each card can only attack once per attack phase unless otherwise stated by an effect or keyword skill. When a player attacks a card in attack position (Attack Position is a card played in a vertical position) The card with the higher AP (attack power) is victorious. If a player attacks a battle card and the AP is the same, both cards are destroyed. Cards must be in the attack position to declare an attack. If a card is in shield position (Shield position is signified by the card being played face-up or face down in a horizontal position) the card attacking uses its AP to battle against the SP (Shield Power) of the card in shield position, if the AP is higher than the SP the card in shield position is destroyed, if the SP is equal to the AP or higher, the attack is unsuccessful and nothing happens. In order to deal Heart Point damage to the opponent the attacking player must attack the opponent directly. 


Build Phase 2: This phase functions the same as Build Phase 1, players may summon or set additional cards, provided they have the Stamina to conduct and facilitate such cards. Certain card effects can also only activate during the Build Phase 2. 


End Phase: The player ends his or her turn and passes to the opponent. 


These phases are conducted in the same order every turn, make sure to read card effects to make sure you’re aware of when cards can be activated as certain cards require certain actions or phases to activate. 

Zones Explanation

There are several zones to keep track of in W.O.T.A. They are as follows, Battle Zone, Power Zone, Field Zone, Discard Pile, Deck Zone, Boss Zone, and Void Zone. Each is explained below.


Battle Zone: This is the zone in which players summon, Army, Mage, and Boss Battle Cards. Players may have a maximum of 10 Battle Cards out on their field at a time. 


Power Zone: This zone is where players will play Rune and Ambush cards. Whether face up or face down, the maximum Rune and Ambush cards allowed in the Power Zone are capped at 6. 


Field Zone: This is where players will place their Field Cards. Only 1 Field card can exist on either player's side of the field at a time. A field card’s effects only apply to your side of the field unless otherwise stated.


Discard Pile: This is where all destroyed and used cards go. 


Void Zone: If a card is “Removed from the game” it is sent to the Void zone.


Deck Zone: This zone is where each player places his/her deck.


Boss Zone: Boss zone is a deck zone for all your Boss Battle Cards, the max Boss cards you can have in your Boss Deck is 10.

Cards Explained

In this section, every card and its various uses will be explained, as well as what each symbol means on every card. Battle cards such as Army, Mage, and Boss cards can have multiple keyword skills which will be explained in the Keywords skills section of the manual. This section will explain how to play cards, and when they can be played/activated. 


The three cards used to conduct battle between players are the Army Cards, Mage Cards, and Boss Cards. Each card can be used to conduct attacks. All three cards contain several stats that are outlined below. Each card can only attack once unless otherwise stated by the card's effect; if a card has no text under it, it does not have an effect.


Stamina costs are also found on the cards, this simply shows how much stamina it costs a player to summon or activate their respective cards. In addition to being either of the three options of cards, those same cards also have Types, these signal the faction that each card belongs to, these faction types are also explained below, note that an Army, Mage or Boss card can be up to two different types, if a card has two types it is treated as its own unique type, meaning if a player, for example, activates a card that only works on human type cards, a human-wizard card, can’t be targeted with that effect, only a pure human card.


Finally, are keyword skills and Summon Cost, several Skill Terms exist in the game that affects what a card can do, there are several of these Terms so make sure you’re aware of them, they will be explained below. Summon Cost is taken into account if a card has it, players can summon as many cards with 0 summon cost as they please, provided they have the stamina to afford the summoning, however, players can only summon ONE card per turn that requires a summon cost, unless otherwise stated by a card that restores their summon cost meters.


Note that cards with Summon Costs tend to take more stamina. Cards summoned in face-up Attack Position or face-up Shield Position cost the same Stamina, players may forego the stamina cost and summon cost of a card entirely, by placing it face down in Shield position, should a player do this, they must pay the summon cost (when applicable) and the stamina cost whenever that card is flipped face up.


If a player can’t pay one of the two costs they will lose 3 heart points, if a player can’t pay either cost, they lose the game entirely. If a card only has a stamina cost and it can’t be paid by the player upon flip up, the player who controls the card loses 3 heart points.


Attack position is when the card is upright vertically, Shield position is when the card is placed face up horizontally or face down horizontally.  Cards may only attack once per turn unless otherwise stated. Players may have up to 10 total battle cards on their field at a time


Army Cards: Army Cards tend to synergize well with Ambush cards but can still be used in conjunction with rune and field Cards. They have a black border to signify that they are Army Cards. 


Mage Cards: Mage Cards tend to synergize well with Rune cards but can still be used in conjunction with Ambush and field Cards. They have a blue border to signify that they are Mage Cards. 


Boss Cards: Boss Cards tend to be the strongest of battle cards in a player's arsenal, all Boss Cards have a summon cost, and require one or more Army or Mage cards to be sacrificed in order to summon. Players may only have a maximum of 3 boss battle cards on their side of the field at a time. Boss cards are spotted by their green borders. Boss cards are further explained in the Boss Cards card list. 

Card Attributes

AP: AP or “Attack Power” signals the amount of power on the card. The higher a card's AP, the stronger they are. When a card attacks another in Attack Position or Shield Position, the higher number prevails and destroys the card unless otherwise mentioned. To attack an opponent directly, cards must be in the Attack position and the AP of the card attacking must be higher than 0. If an opponent's card contains the keyword skill “Bloodlust” and it destroys your face-up attack position card, the player loses 1 heart point. 


SP: SP or "Shield Power", signals the amount of defensive power on the card. If an opponent’s card attacks your card in Shield position and destroys it, you lose no heart points even if a player’s card contains the keyword skill “Bloodlust.” Cards in shield position can’t conduct any attacks unless otherwise stated. 


SC: This icon indicates the summon cost of a card, if a card has a summon cost it will always be 1, if no SC icon is present on the card, assume that its summon cost is 0. 


STA: The STA icon is the cost of stamina needed to bring out or activate a card. All cards except for Ambush cards have a stamina cost to activate. 


Type: The Type Icon signals the type of card that relates to whatever Army, Mage or Boss card a player plays. Cards can be single typed or double typed. The Types are as follows: Human, Elf, Wizard, Monster, Bard, Beast, Dragon, Winged, Heat, Aqua, Hero, Villain, Common, Ancient, Reptile, Soldier, Alien, Saintly.

Various cards exist that alter the battlefield and assist in your fight to defeat your opponents.

Runes: Runes are cards that a player can play in the power zone to apply various effects. They are identified by their white border. Unlike Ambush cards that must be placed face down before activation, Rune cards can be played right away as long as the stamina cost on the card is met. Runes can still be placed face-down in the power zone if the player wishes. Runes come in four different types, Normal, Quick, Equip, and Infinity. 


Normal Runes: Must be played during the player's turn only, the player knows their rune is a normal one due to its lack of any icon under its name, whereas Quick, Equip, and Infinity all have their own respective icons. Normal Runes can only be activated during your own Build Phases. 


Quick Runes: Quick Runes can be played from the field or from the player's hand during either player's turn, in response to any possible card effect as long as the effect is applicable and the stamina cost is paid. The icon for Quick Runes is a small swirling pattern. Quick Runes can be activated at any time from the field, even during your opponent's turn, however, you may not play Quick Runes from your hand during your opponent's turn.


Equip Runes: Equip Runes can only be played during the player's turn. Equip Runes equip to your battle cards and apply effects to that card depending on the effect of the rune. Equip Runes can be fitted with any battle card, including your opponents. Equip Runes have an icon of a sword and staff. Equip Runes can't be activated during the Attack Phase. 


Infinity Runes: Infinity Runes can only be activated during your own turn. Infinity Runes stay on the field forever, until they're destroyed. If the Rune Card contains a maintenance cost, it must be paid. If the cost causes the player's STA to hit 0, destroy the card and deal 3 heart point damage to the controller of the card. Infinity Runes can't be activated during the attack phase unless already face up and stated by a card effect. 


Ambush cards: There are three types of Ambush Cards, Normal, Counter, and Infinity. All Ambush cards must be set on the field before being activated. You can't activate Ambush cards the same turn they are set. Ambush cards have no stamina costs to activate unless the card says otherwise. The types of Ambush cards are described below. 


Normal Ambush: Normal Ambush cards can be activated during either player's turn, provided they had been set the turn prior. They have no icon, signaling they're a normal Ambush Card, they have no requirements to be activated other than being set a turn before. Normal Ambush cards can't be activated during the attack phase, unless stated by card effect.


Counter Ambush: Counter Ambush cards can be activated during either player's turn, provided an effect or action is done that allows for the response of the counter Ambush card to activate. Example: A counter Ambush card says the phrase "When your opponent declares an attack" which means you may only activate that counter Ambush card if your opponent attacks. These conditions need to be met before being able to activate the card. You must set counter Ambush cards the turn prior, they can't be activated on the same turn they are set unless stated by card effect.


Infinity Ambush: Infinity Ambush cards can be activated during any turn, provided they were set the turn prior. They stay on the field indefinitely, until destroyed by a card effect, or a requirement of the card is not met. If the Ambush contains a maintenance cost, it must be paid. If the cost causes the player's STA to hit 0, destroy the card and deal 3 heart point damage to the controller of the card. 


Field Cards: Field cards are special cards players can play to alter the battle. They stay on the field in the field zone until destroyed. Players can only activate one field card per turn, and the effects of the field card only apply to the player who controls it. If the Field Card contains a maintenance cost, it must be paid. If the cost causes the player's STA to hit 0, destroy the card and deal 3 heart point damage to the controller of the card. 

Keyword Skills

Some Army, Mage, and Boss cards contain Keyword skills in their effects, these are explained below. Keyword skills are additional effects granted to cards and will be in Bold so they are easily discernible. Note, cards can have multiple key skills. Keywords only apply while the card is on the field. 


Bloodlust”: When a card you control destroys an opponent’s card that is in attack position, deal 1 heart damage to your opponent. 


Nuisance”: When a card has the “Nuisance” skill attached to it, opponents must attack this card first before any other card. If multiple "Nuisance" cards are on the field, the opponent may attack any "Nuisance" Card. 


BattleBorn”: A card containing this skill can’t attack your opponent directly. However, it can attack as many face-up Army, Mage, or Boss Cards as your opponent controls.


Blessed”: A card containing this skill is unaffected by any Rune Cards your opponent may play that target it. 


Savvy”: A card containing this skill is unaffected by any Ambush cards your opponent may play that target it. 


Illusionary”: A card containing this skill goes back to the player’s hand at the end of their turn. 


“Payment 1-??”: A card containing this skill requires the player to pay an additional stamina cost each turn to keep it on the field, if the player can’t afford the stamina cost, the card is destroyed and sent to the discard pile then the owner of the card takes 3 heart points of damage. If any card includes payment or maintenance costs, the cost must be paid if the Stamina is available. 


Spy”: A card containing this skill can be placed on either side of the battlefield. 


Legend”: A card containing this skill means that while it is in play, the player controlling it can't play another battle card with the “Legend” skill. Only one card with the “Legend” skill may exist for each player on their respective battlefields. 


Twice”: A card containing this skill can attack twice in one turn instead of once. 


Triple.”: A card containing this skill can attack three times in one turn instead of once.


Ritual.” : A card containing this skill requires the player to send one of their own Army, Mage, or Boss Card from their field to the discard pile in order to attack, it can attack as many times as it wants, so long as the player has cards to discard. 


"Reveal": A card containing this skill can only activate its effect if it is initially set in a face-down shield position, and revealed either through it being attacked or of the player's own volition. 


"Titan 1-3": A card containing this skill will always have a summon cost of 1. Only one "Titan 1-3" card can be summoned per turn. Depending on the number next to the Titan keyword, players must send that many Army, Mage, or Boss cards from their side of the field to the discard pile to summon it. Cards used in order to summon out “Titan 1-3” cards must be face up when selected as sacrifices. Battle Cards in facedown shield mode are not eligible to be chosen for discard to summon out “Titan 1-3” Cards. Cards with the “Titan” keyword skill can’t be set in face-down shield mode. Only one card with a "Titan 1-3" keyword skill can be summoned per turn. 


"Spy and Titan": A card with both the "Titan" keyword skill and the "spy" keyword skill, has a very unique combination. In order to summon a spy card with Titan as a keyword skill, to your opponent's side of the field, you must sacrifice your opponent's battle card(s) up to the Titan number. For example, if you have a card with, "Spy" and "Titan 1" in your hand, you may sacrifice one of your opponent's battle cards and then summon the Titan card to their side of the field, you must still pay the STA cost and SC cost of the card. 

Activation Rulings

Each type of card in W.O.T.A. has an unspecified activation speed that requires a card of the same or greater speed to be triggered in order to form a Speed Tie. A Speed Tie occurs when multiple cards are activated, with the tie going in order from the last card played to the first card played, down below is a chart that shows what type of cards can be activated in response, they are labeled by their speed, the highest speed cards require cards of similar caliber to be activated in order to form a speed tie.


Speed 1 - Counter Ambush Cards, Quick Runes, Battle Card Effects. 

(These are the fastest cards)


Speed 2: Continuous Runes, Infinity Runes


Speed 3: Normal Runes, Equip Runes, Normal Ambush, Field Cards


The meaning of these speeds is as follows, all the cards in Speed 1 can only be responded to by card types in the Speed 1 category, For example, if your opponent activates a counter-ambush card when you attacked them, the player may only activate their own counter ambush card, a quick rune, or a battle card effect in response. They may not activate any card effects in the Speed 2 or 3 categories to try and stop a card in Speed 1.


Speed 1 cards are the fastest cards, and can only be interrupted by cards at their speed.


Speed 2 cards can’t be responded to by Speed 3 Cards as they are slower in activation speed, however, other card types in both Speed 2 and Speed 1 can be activated in response to a card’s activation with a Speed 2 activation time.


Speed 3 cards can be interrupted by Speed 2 and Speed 1 cards, however, they may not be interrupted by other Speed 3 cards. 

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